
palo alto, california中文是什么意思

  • 帕多 (美加州)
  • 帕拉托
  • 帕罗奥多
  • 帕罗奥图
  • 帕洛阿尔托



  • 例句与用法
  • Hp administers this site from its offices in palo alto , california
    Hp从其位于加利福尼亚州的palo alto的办公室管理此站点。
  • Leland stanford walked away , traveling to palo alto , california where they established the university that bears their name , a memorial to a son that harvard no longer cared about
  • Zuckerberg , who often turns up to his office in palo alto , california , wearing adidas sandals , took exception to10 a drawing in the wall street journal because it showed him wearing a shirt with a collar instead of his habitual t - shirt
  • Ver the years , thomas one wolf s organization has stayed in touch with us , but we had not had the opportunity to meet up again until just a couple months ago , at the global conference of the united religions initiative at stanford university in palo alto , california
  • Earlier , he was director of product marketing for knight ridder information services in palo alto , california , where he directed development of one of the first commercially deployed online relevance ranking engines and menu - driven boolean search services for consumers
    他在苹果电脑前是加州palo alto的knight ridder information services的产品行销主任,负责为消费者开发第一个商业化的线上相关性排名引擎,以及开发由功能表驱动的布林逻辑运算boolean搜寻服务。
  • He joined ibm research at the san jose research lab in 1979 and conducted research in the areas of image and data compression . in 1981 , he joined hp labs in palo alto , california and led a number of research projects on image compression , document image processing and image processing workstations
  • He joined ibm research at the san jose research lab in 1979 and conducted research in the areas of image and data compression . in 1981 , he joined hp labs in palo alto , california and led a number of research projects on image compression , document image processing and image processing workstations
  • 推荐英语阅读
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