Hp administers this site from its offices in palo alto , california Hp从其位于加利福尼亚州的palo alto的办公室管理此站点。
Leland stanford walked away , traveling to palo alto , california where they established the university that bears their name , a memorial to a son that harvard no longer cared about 他们于是建立了一所以他们名字命名的大学,这个哈佛大学并不关心的纪念,以此纪念他们的儿子。
Zuckerberg , who often turns up to his office in palo alto , california , wearing adidas sandals , took exception to10 a drawing in the wall street journal because it showed him wearing a shirt with a collar instead of his habitual t - shirt 经常穿着阿迪达斯凉鞋出现在加州帕洛阿尔托自己办公室的朱克伯格很不喜欢《华尔街日报》上的一幅画像,因为画像中的他穿着有领衬衫而不是他惯常穿的t恤。
Ver the years , thomas one wolf s organization has stayed in touch with us , but we had not had the opportunity to meet up again until just a couple months ago , at the global conference of the united religions initiative at stanford university in palo alto , california 些年来,汤玛斯万渥夫的组织与我们一直都保持联络,但直到前几个月大家才有机会在倡议联合宗教于加州帕洛奥多的史丹佛大学所举行的全球会议中再度重逢。
Earlier , he was director of product marketing for knight ridder information services in palo alto , california , where he directed development of one of the first commercially deployed online relevance ranking engines and menu - driven boolean search services for consumers 他在苹果电脑前是加州palo alto的knight ridder information services的产品行销主任,负责为消费者开发第一个商业化的线上相关性排名引擎,以及开发由功能表驱动的布林逻辑运算boolean搜寻服务。
He joined ibm research at the san jose research lab in 1979 and conducted research in the areas of image and data compression . in 1981 , he joined hp labs in palo alto , california and led a number of research projects on image compression , document image processing and image processing workstations 于1979年,李大力博士转投ibm圣荷西研究所进行有关影像与资料数据压缩的研究,及后于1981年再转往hp设于美国加州帕罗奥多市的研究所,负责领导多项有关影像压缩、文件影像处理及影像处理工作站的研究项目。
He joined ibm research at the san jose research lab in 1979 and conducted research in the areas of image and data compression . in 1981 , he joined hp labs in palo alto , california and led a number of research projects on image compression , document image processing and image processing workstations 于1979年,李大力博士转投ibm圣荷西研究所进行有关影像与资料数据压缩的研究,及后于1981年再转往hp设于美国加州帕罗奥多市的研究所,负责领导多项有关影像压缩、文件影像处理及影像处理工作站的研究项目。